A Better Training Day

From trainer Letty, who is working very hard with dear Brayton, who has multiple disabilities including Cerebral Palsy, and his SD, Midas. The last session was difficult, but this one went very well! Letty writes:

” We had a great training with Brayton and SD Midas today! We spent half our time at Kohl’s, and then spent a little time at Wendy’s. At Kohl’s, we worked on gait and controlled heeling. Brayton was able to walk between two SDs (my SD, Bentley) while maintaining control over his SD Midas with out stumbling or tripping! While walking slowly, Brayton does a wonderful job!

At Wendy’s, while SD Midas was under the table and Brayton was enjoying a Frosty, I was able to look at a flip book that Brayton’s amazing mom made. In it, she has pictures and an easy explanation of cues and reactions that Brayton uses for SD Midas. This flip folder was created to help Brayton’s teachers easily understand SD Midas and help with Brayton’s daily functioning.”


We are in “conversations” with Brayton’s school, Judson ISD, because, while they are excited to have the “first” SD at their school, they have also written that they feel they should not be expected to give queues to Brayton to help him with Midas. Not only does Brayton have CP, but he has limited vision and some learning disabilities. Of course, Service Dog Express feels that Judson ISD should be able to help Brayton with Midas, especially now that Brayton’s mother has written a detailed description of how to help facilitate this process in the special classes Brayton attends. So far, they have written that they feel they should not have to help with these queues. Well, that doesn’t sit well with Service Dog Express! So, we will be having a meeting on Tuesday with many of the staff at Judson ISD – I will most likely have to be on teleconference, and trainer Letty as well – but if they want the “honor” of having the first Service Dog to attend their school, they MUST be willing to assist Brayton with his queues for Midas. It’s their job. Please wish us luck!!! Brayton deserves this!!!!