Category Archives: General

10 Spring Plants That Are Dangerous for Pets

10 Spring Plants That Are Dangerous for Dogs and Cats

Spring has finally sprung — but some of the flowers and plants growing in your garden or blooming in your vases could cause serious harm to your pet.

As a veterinary toxicologist for the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center and a gardening enthusiast, I often give advice on planting pet-safe gardens — and with the planting season in full force, it’s important for all dog and cat owners to be extra vigilant about keeping dangerous plants out of their homes and gardens. If you suspect your dog or cat has ingested a toxic plant, call the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center hotline at 888-426-4435 and contact your veterinarian. It’s always better to be safe than sorry.

Read more – 10 Spring Plants That Are Dangerous for Dogs and Cats

Areas We Serve

We have trainers that service the following areas:

TexasAustin, Bryan/College Station, Central Texas (Killeen, Temple, Belton), Dallas-Fort Worth, El Paso, San Antonio, Waco, Waxahachie, and Wichita Falls (Quanah, Seymour, Olney, Jacksboro, Decatur)

Oklahoma:  Altus, Ardmore, Chickasha, Duncan, and Lawton

New MexicoAlamogordo and Las Cruces

Colorado: Denver

Florida: Jacksonville

Pennsylvania: Philadelphia

Capone’s Success Story

The animal rescue world is challenging on the best of days. We see the broken and unwanted of the City of San Antonio on a daily basis. One of the most unforgettable of those days was 5 weeks ago, when Capone walked through our door. He was starving, with patches of hair missing, broken teeth, and his ears jagged and cropped…you won’t believe his transformation…read more at  SAPA – San Antonio Pets Alive | Capone’s Story

Haven for Hope – Transforming and Saving Lives

Haven for Hope has a small kennel (10 outside dog kennels and a 10 cat cattery). The kennel is provided to those who need their animals the most to get back on their feet. These individuals care for their own animals while we provide the means for them to house, feed, and maintain their animal.

Haven also has an in house training program for Kennel Assistant for those interested in working with animals upon graduation from Haven. It is comprised of 40 hours of online training through Animal Care Technologies followed by 80 hours of hands on volunteering through local entities such as ACS, ADL, HS, boarding kennels, veterinarians, etc. Upon successful completion, they receive a certificate. Several individuals are currently employed in the animal care community due to the availabity of this program.

In addition, if we have a Service Animal on property and the owner is unable to care for the dog, such as a case where the individual is having surgery, we can house the animal and have in-house and outside volunteers care for the animal while the owner is incapacitated.

Should you wish to make a directed donation, please note where you wish the donation to be applied in the notes of the donation. We certainly appreciate your interest in Haven and our kennel.


Source: Haven for Hope – Transforming and Saving Lives

KayCee shares Charlie’s First Gotcha Day Video

A wonderful update from our past client, KayCee, who suffered with anxiety, and her Service Dog, Charlie!! She writes:

Hi, Laurie! Today it has officially been one year since Charlie and I met and he came to live with us! He has done a great job for me so far, and he will keep doing so until his replacement is old enough to take his place (she’s only 7 months old right now.) Anyways, I made a video of all of our memories and photos of him throughout this past year and I thought you might be interested to see some of how he’s doing.

Much Love,
KayCee and Charlie

What a beautiful video tribute to her journey with Charlie!!!! Try to fast forward to the wonderful pictures of KayCee and Charlie, Charlie with KayCee’s mom, etc. The ones of them together are beautiful. The music is perfect!!!