Shauna and SDiT Kilo


An update from Michelle, our trainer in New Mexico, who is training with Shauna who suffers from PTSD, anxiety, and mobility issues, and SDIT, Kilo.Michelle writes:”Working with Team Shauna and SDiT Kilo is awesome!

We went to the pet store, where I watched Kilo work off-leash, walk up against Shauna in a cover, and his down and stay is getting much better. He only got up twice from the down/stay as I believe he felt vibes from Shauna possibly getting nervous or a little anxious. That is normal. Kilo’s doing great!!!!!!
We then went to the grocery store to go over the “colored tiles” to learn those were access chasers for the freezers. Great job!! As those chasers are hollow, and Kilo doesn’t want mom to fall, he was alerting for her to stay away from them and again planted himself in the way, not wanting her to be near them.

Upon completion, went to the Allsups that had been giving Shauna and Kilo a hard time, happy to learn they have new staff and welcomed both my SDIT Abby and Kilo without question!

Then Abby felt the need to stand on Kilo on our way back to the house. Silly girl, he’s your friend!!!”

Good job, Shauna, I would let Kilo still alert to those chased covers; he obviously doesn’t feel comfortable around them, Trust Kilo!”


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