From our wonderful trainer in New Mexico, Michelle, who had her first session with Barbara, who suffers from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and severe PTSD, and her SDIT, “Beast”.
Michelle writes:
I met with Barbara today for an assessment of “Beast”, who is a beautiful blue American Bully. Beast is a gorgeous, stout 1 year and 3 months old boy.
Commands: Beast had been taught his commands in the following languages: German, Russian, and English. It is outstanding. He tends to watch for Barbara when she walks away from him, will move to a “sit”, then lay back down upon her return. They have an amazing bond. Beast is definitely not in a hurry; he wanders the yard checking on the safety of his people and dog family.
Temperament: mellow, loving, gentle, and has been carefully raised around Barbara’s 4-month old son, her female Rottweiler, and her 4 year-old blonde American Bully.
Outings: Barbara’s family takes Beast everywhere they can. At church, he lays down on the floor and does not draw attention to himself, and interaction with the children is a treat only if mom says it is OK. He absolutely loves children. He is welcome at Walmart without his vest, and does spectacularly.
Medical: When Barbara has an episode of anxiety, all 69 lbs of this Beast sits on her chest immediately, making her relax and come out of her panic attack.
Confrontation: When out, Barbara gives commands when being approached by other dogs, causing Beast to submit and lay down. However, if her sister is in accompaniment, then he will back up and protect the younger of the daughters.
I know that Barbara is lucky to have Beast as her companion. He is the epitome of a perfect dog!!!! I know this team will be an asset to the world of Service Dogs and education that any breed, if trained well from a young age and with careful precision, can become a Service Dog.