A wonderful update from our outstanding trainer and owner of In Dog We Trust rescue, Cherry Jenkins. Cherry is working with Wounded Warriors Paul and Dawn, who are married and both suffer from PTSD. Dawn also suffers from epilepsy. Cherry writes:
“I met Paul, Dawn, and gorgeous Skye – their Italian Mastiff – for our first training session.
Paul and his wife Dawn had told me they had done some training with Skye, but I was blown away by how much they had done! It was almost as if we were doing a practice PAT at our first session! Skye walks perfectly off-leash next to Paul as seen here in the photo, and “sits” and “stays” beautifully. Her heeling is perfect.
Both Dawn and Paul are retired military and both have the need of Skye, so Skye will be doing “double duty”. It takes a very special dog to be able to do this, and a very serious understanding by both members of the household that if the trainer agrees that the dog can take on such work, the owners must be very attentive to the dog’s behavior to make sure it is not overworked emotionally. Skye has bonded wonderfully to both Paul and Dawn, and will be outstanding working in this capacity.
We will be meeting next week to take the training to restaurants. This is one incredible SDIT and such dedicated owners who take their Service Dog training very seriously. It is an honor to train with them.